Filthy R-rated comedies are usually not my cup of tea. But I am quickly becoming a major Amy Schumer fan, with her appearance on The Bachelorette only making her more relatable and hilarious in my eyes. So that, along with the movie's stellar trailer, is what compelled me to see Trainwreck.
And I'm glad to say I was pleasantly surprised by this film. It's clearly meant to be a rom com, and in that arena it does not disappoint. But Trainwreck also has plenty to offer the guys. With an abundance of sports cameos and crude yet charming jokes, men can easily be entertained by this movie, too. I'm begging you to leave your boys at home, though, ladies.
Because this one's really for the feminists in us all, and you'll enjoy Amy's amazing depiction of a modern, complex woman so much more if you're watching it play out with your gal pals. I certainly don't want to spoil this gem for you, but I must point out the way that Amy takes the classically, cliched woman found in romantic comedies and spins her basis on its head.
Sure, she's still a clumsy, bumbling, emotionally-stunted woman. But she makes this stereotype cool again. Amy is unapologetic, and while her character is not a one-size-fits-all representation of women, she at the very least demonstrates both the complexities and joys of being female. And that, my friends, is progress.